Light Painting Flower Tutorial Press Kit

Light Painting Flower Tutorial Press Kit

Thank you for your interest in sharing this Light Painting Tutorial! My mission is to spread the light painting art form and I couldn’t do it without your help, so THANK YOU. Everything you need to share is below images and and video are free to share however you would like. If there is anything else that you might need, please let me know.

Here is a link to the video that is free to be embedded and posted

Description: In this Light Painting Video Tutorial Jason D. Page demonstrates How To Light Paint a flower using tools from Light Painting Brushes. These flowers are magical and can be created in numerous different colors, shapes and styles! This is a great light painting technique for beginning light painters and even light painting veterans that can be infinitely expanded to make it your own by adding in new light painting elements of your own design and style. Best of all they are just a lot of fun to create!

Links for reference:
Light Painting Brushes Tools:
Light Painting Photography:
Beginner Light Painting Tutorial, (Video)

Images for the post are below with the artist credit info.

Images below created by Jason D. Page please credit with Instagram link  @Jasondpage_lightpainter

This first flower is the image created in the tutorial, the rest of the images are examples using the same light painting technique.