Spinning Time In Las Vegas

“Spinning Time in Las Vegas” is the first in an ongoing series capturing the Light of a city in a unique way.  To create the images in the “Spinning Time” series I rotate my camera using a CRT (Camera Rotation Tool) removing the lens cap at different degrees of rotation. Each time I remove the lens cap I allow light and a new moment in time to be recorded onto the sensor during one long exposure. “Spinning Time” takes the city lights and time and turns them into  magical geometric patterns of Light. In some of these images you can see people passing through time, the movement of cars traveling through time and/or the neon advertisements changing on the Las Vegas Billboards. All of these images are Light Paintings that are created in real time and captured to the camera in one single photographic frame.

Below are two videos. One showing the behind the scenes of me creating The Spinning Time in Las Vegas series and the second video is a tutorial I created showing how you can create images like these with an off the shelf Camera Rotation Tool!